App-free AR, Hotspots, Animation control, Variants and more

We have added a range of new features to make not only the most cost effective solution for embedding 3D on the web, but also the most feature rich and complete solution in the market

Animation Control

Hotspot driven animations lets you to take control of your glTF animations using the hotspot feature. Hotspots can now trigger animations - both when you click a hotspot and when you click away from a hotspot.

Read more about Animations here: Animations

Hotspots (annotations)

Hotspot spot annotations lets you to put focus on hotspots in your 3D model and quickly navigate the camera view to show this location. The example below shows how the hotspots are driven through a custom menu created with the Embed API, for more information see: Embed API.

Read more about Hotspots/Annotations here: Hotspot Annotations

Variants lets you quickly build visual product configurators and integrate them into your website, e-commerce platform or other online service.

Read more about Variants here: Variants