Background and Branding

Customized backgrounds, vignettes and logos

We have created a highly flexible solution for stylizing your model's background. Together with a default background pattern collection, a selection of beautiful vignettes and a fully customizable logo image.

Model by Pataz Studio

Watch our 1 min tutorial on how to customize your background.

Set viewer defaults PLUS

Our advanced users have asked us for a way to save the default viewer settings of a model. Here you have it dear friends! Sure our URLs have always encoded this information but this didn't work when clicking on a model from your gallery. The new Set Viewer Defaults button let's you control the default shading style, spinning and subdivision of your models. Don't forget to save afterwards.

Smart description

The description field in your models now not only supports website links but also email links. Just type in your URL or email as usual and we'll do the rest

Take snapshots in 4K

Another user request. Our snapshot feature now supports up to 4K resolution downloads.


Since has advanced so much since we introduced Plus we have reset the Plus trial so everyone can test drive all the awesome new features. Login and try it out!

Download progress is now displayed in percentage, no more guessing when models are going to load.

Since embed has become quite an advanced monster we've updated the FAQ entry to explain all the URL flags in detail.