Key benefits of a subscription

1. Use much larger 3D models

With a Plus subscription your 3D models can be up to 200mb (only 50mb with a Basic subscription), which allows you to upload much more interesting models.

2. Brand and customize your models

We have created an array of tools for you to customize the look of your 3D models on any website or e-commerce site using the embedded viewer. Choose from our selection of backgrounds and vignettes or upload your own background. More importantly, brand all your models with your company logo or use your client's logo for a nice professional touch!

CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar

Does your model look better with subdivision? Spinning? With a wireframe overlay? With your Plus account you take control and decide the default settings of all your models. Viewer defaults not only work in embed but also on the main viewer without the need for any URL parameters.

3. Embeds are crazy customizable

You know your clients better than us. We believe you should have precise control over how your visitors will see and interact with your models.

Let's say you want to allow your visitors to go full screen and download your model but nothing else. Plus allows you to enable or disable any element at will.

Embed URL:,shading,spin,subd,help-hidden

Let's take it a step further and remove the entire toolbar while also disabling panning so visitors will only be able to rotate and zoom. Let's also pick a darker background for this one.

Embed URL:

For this nice Horse by Endre let's automatically enable subdivision and display a wireframe overlay!

Embed URL:

By locking Pan, Rotate and Zoom, activating Auto-spin + Auto-load and hiding everything we can get an extremely clean turntable view of a model, suitable for sites and presentations that don't need any user interaction at all!

Embed URL:,border-hidden

4. Your models will look even cooler with Plus

With Plus your material editor unlocks a wide variety of advanced material features like reflections, detail maps and bump mapping, not to mention the use of high resolution lossles images. Please see a few of the advanced effects possible In this tutorial video.

Enjoy the entire collection of ShadeSphere™ materials and even upload your own. With ShadeSpheres™ almost any material is possible!

See how SWONN is using custom ShadeSpheres™ to create realistic gold and pearl materials.