Add 3D models to Wordpress using Advanced Iframe plugin

Thanks to help from Michael Dempfle the publisher of the hugely popular Advanced Iframe Wordpress plugin, you can now download a preconfigured Advanced Iframe plugin using the form below, with a 3D model embedded in the iframe.

Get started for free! Or if you go with the paid subscription: For a limited time you can get a 50% discount on your first payment by entering the coupon AIFRAME on checkout.

If you are new to, please check out some examples of what you can do with embeds and the embed API below (please scroll down below the form). These examples were all created with models and the viewer and can be embedded in your Wordpress site using the Advanced Iframe plugin.

In the form below, please enter the p3d embed URL (see example in the form) as described here. NOTE: If you press the Test button you can see how the iFrame element will look with the parameters you have entered. Once you are happy with how it looks, press the Download button to download a ZIP file with the preconfigured plugin code.

If you would like to get even more features for your models you can upgrade the free version of advanced iframe to the pro version. Next to all the free features the following features may make sense for your 3d models:

Examples of what you can do with


Overlay video with interactive 3D experiences
Add 3D content to new or existing video content - no coding or knowledge of 3D required


Quickly build visual configurators using variants
Embed 3D content with dynamic textures, colors and shapes on any website or shop

See for live demo.


Annotate and edit 360 photos within 3D objects
Annotate areas in photos with a few clicks to add links to video, web pages, surveys etc


Create 3D scenes and make them interactive
Navigate through 3D scenes using the built-in hotspot feature and share in AR via QR code


Use 3D and AR content in your e-commerce store 
Link to Augmented Reality to let your customers view 3D models in real life



Try out the new Javascript Embed API
Make animated 3D experiences in Javascript and embed them on your web site or shop