FT BC Phobos
The formal registry listing FedCom SpecOp's headquarters as 'Phobos installation' is in fact an intentional misnomer - no such installation exists, or has ever existed. Throughout Commonwealth history, the upper echelons of SpecOps have always used a warship as a mobile base of operations. While the exact specifications of the current SpecOps flagship is shrouded in mystery, it's history is far more apparent. The development of the Crucio Shock Cannon - a vast improvement over the Arclite railguns, sparked interest in the FedCom for a warship capable of carrying the weapon. Initial demands specified mounting the guns on fully-traversing turrets, despite the unwieldy size of the system. Although FedCom eventually settled on refitting the Tethys-class command carriers with the weapon in fixed spinal mounts to decrease production costs and make use of existing hulls, a single prototype of the inital design was produced as an experiment for possible future designs featuring turret-mounted Crucios.
Model by Droid803
Textures by AndrewofDoom