Drag and drop your
model and textures here
Models: (.obj+.mtl), .gltf, .glb, .stl, .fbx, Textures: .jpg, .png,
.tga, .bmp
NOTE: If uploading .obj files, please select or drag and
drop ALL .obj, .mtl and ALL texture files
OR: You can upload a
single ZIP archive with .obj, .mtl and any texture files (as referenced
in the .mtl file)
elePHPant Toggle model data visibility
2/12/2017, 2:17:41 PM
/ Faces:
/ Vertices:
/ Visibility:
Static model of toy elephant.
Similar elephants (material, plush) to be won in PHP Programming Innovation Award on the www.phpclasses.org. The resemblance to the original is not one hundred percent.
I did it just for practice and for use in static scenes (photo).
Similar elephants (material, plush) to be won in PHP Programming Innovation Award on the www.phpclasses.org. The resemblance to the original is not one hundred percent.
I did it just for practice and for use in static scenes (photo).
Viewport display styleFullFull with wireframeShadelessShadeless with wireframeCleanClean with wireframeX-RayX-Ray with wireframeWireframe only
- Spin model (auto-rotation)
- Select your navigation style
- Generate Embed codes or get URL