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Tom Morello 3D Model - Guitar Hero 3 Toggle model data visibility
AR views: 1
Since 1/22/2018, 12:15:23 PM / Faces: 0 / Vertices: 0 / Visibility: Public
AR views: 1
Since 1/22/2018, 12:15:23 PM / Faces: 0 / Vertices: 0 / Visibility: Public
Hello! It's me again sharing another 3D Model with you: Tom Morello from Guitar Hero 3.
- Textures and model extracted directly from the videogame. Original resolution.
- Model's triangles cleaned up by hand into quads
- No rig or animation. Textured geometry only.
- UV Mapped. There might be some UV Maps Shells problems.
- Quads where possible. There might be some geometry problems specially in the mouth and shirt. Some triangles could not be cleaned into quads because it damaged the UV's.
More info, 3D and Texture Download in my DeviantArt:
Please, feel free to use the model, fix it, rig it, etc. sharing it with Creative Commons License and giving me credit for it
Thanks and greetings ^^
- Textures and model extracted directly from the videogame. Original resolution.
- Model's triangles cleaned up by hand into quads
- No rig or animation. Textured geometry only.
- UV Mapped. There might be some UV Maps Shells problems.
- Quads where possible. There might be some geometry problems specially in the mouth and shirt. Some triangles could not be cleaned into quads because it damaged the UV's.
More info, 3D and Texture Download in my DeviantArt:
Please, feel free to use the model, fix it, rig it, etc. sharing it with Creative Commons License and giving me credit for it
Thanks and greetings ^^
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