Drag and drop your
model and textures here
Models: (.obj+.mtl), .gltf, .glb, .stl, .fbx, Textures: .jpg, .png,
.tga, .bmp
NOTE: If uploading .obj files, please select or drag and
drop ALL .obj, .mtl and ALL texture files
OR: You can upload a
single ZIP archive with .obj, .mtl and any texture files (as referenced
in the .mtl file)
Dimensions-Guide-Furniture-Coffee-Tables-Accent-Tables-Eames-Coffee-Tables Toggle model data visibility
AR views: 23
Since 4/8/2020, 12:37:58 PM / Faces: 0 / Vertices: 0 / Visibility: Unlisted
AR views: 23
Since 4/8/2020, 12:37:58 PM / Faces: 0 / Vertices: 0 / Visibility: Unlisted
Viewport display styleFullFull with wireframeShadelessShadeless with wireframeCleanClean with wireframeX-RayX-Ray with wireframeWireframe only
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