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Pont ar Daf Car Park Roman Road Section 3D Model Toggle model data visibility
5/10/2022, 3:46:33 PM
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Possibly a section of the Beulah to Penydarren Roman road (RRX77 14900) found at Pont ar Daf car park, Brecon. The road was very fragmented having been heavily truncated by forestry plantation but appeared to survive well, breaking the ground surface along the modern post and wire fence boundary to the north. The road did not have any flanking ditches but with it being aligned uphill towards the mountain at Y Gyrn it would not necessarily require drainage. If the feature is indeed Roman then it may have been a minor road leading to a signal station located up on the top of Y Gyrn. Reduced size 3D mesh version, scale 1m in 50cm sections. For more information download the report here 👇
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